Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Surprise in the Garden and Great July

   Look what we found hiding under a leaf this morning! The biggest pumpkin growing in our garden! It is a little bigger than a softball. Whee!
  Look at the progress the tomatoes are making...

   I am not quite sure if these are pumpkins or spaghetti squash. We'll be happy with either.

   Last weekend, the Moose Lodge had a little carnival fundraiser. It was great fun! I love living in the country!! If I finally get a job that actually pays (besides my realtor "hobby" as the hub calls it - lol), I think we will join the Moose Lodge.
   On a final note, here is the limoncello! It is delicious. Notice there is only one pretty bottle? I BROKE the other one! However, I was able to salvage a small bit for us. This bottle went to my wonderful friend, "K," who had the monkey over for a sleepover last night. We had a fantastic gourmet dinner at our neighbor-friends' home, that was child-free! Appetizers included thin crust pizza with nectarine, mint & goat cheese, and arugula/goat cheese/heirloom tomato. Great wine, great friends, great wonder I need to lose 20 pounds! But I'd rather be chubby with joie de vivre, than starve myself to be skinny!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Baby Apples & a Naughty Weimaraner

   Wow, it was a lovely day today! This is my little flower garden in front...
This is the first crop of apples on my Sierra Beauty! When ripe, they will look a lot like pink ladies.

   This is our second year of yellow delicious apples...
   This is the apple tree that came with our house; some kind of red apple, but not sure the varietal.
   See this lovely spaghetti squash? A very naughty weimaraner (Kosmo!) stole it to chew on (I found it in the front yard). Sigh...

   I am very happy to have hollyhocks this year, as well!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July Happenings!

   I am so giddy that Glenn fixed my laptop! It is so fast now, too! I can update this blog in a timely manner now! Here we are in June, picking organic cherries at M&M peach ranch.
   Wow, the monkey's hair sure was long!
   Besides taking & passing the 4 hour written portion of the CPACE (California Preliminary Administrative Credential Exam), I have been reading and GARDENING! Look how tall my corn is!
   What is really awesome about my garden, is all the tomato, pumpkin & squash that sprouted from my compost I made! This is a pumpkin growing...
   It's hard to see, but the little baby tomato growing is a roma, I believe.
   I have baby round tomatoes...
...and this baby, which I believe is some kind of heirloom, as it already has ridges. I'm hoping it's a Cherokee Purple, which I grew in a pot last year.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Finally an Update for Summer 2012!

   As you may or may not know, I have been having a huge problem with my (Vista-using!) laptop. I found a way to update this blog for now (phew!). We've had a busy summer thus far, beginning with an awesome cub scout camp-out & Bridging Over at Wind Wolves Preserve. This is the visitors' center, with an incredible archway made out of Tule elk antlers that were found on the preserve (antlered animals shed them every year).
   This preserve is one of several owned by the Wildlands Conservancy. Wind Wolves is located off the 166, west of the 5 fwy. Incredibly, camping here is FREE. There is a long stream that runs through the property (man made, or at least enhanced), with a series of ponds, inhabited by cool frogs.

   The campgrounds are spacious, with lots of pretty rockwork, and clean rock restrooms with a nice dish washing area, with potable water (no showers, or you'd never leave!).
   The Wind Wolves people are so wonderful, and gave us a fantastic presentation on the wildlife that calls the area home. It varies in elevation from 640 to 6005 feet. You can go for the day on a whim, or camp on weekends, with a reservation.
   You may wonder, why is there a photo of this trash can? Some of my friends have had to endure this story several times, but I think it is too funny to not share. I went to throw some trash away, & couldn't figure out how to open the lids (I have seen many trash bins, & you open it from the angled side). Now look at the next photo. I enlisted the aid of my friend and fellow cub scout (now webelo) den leader. All she did was go to what I perceived as the back, and look what she discovered!
   Yup, clearly labeled openings, with directions (wildlife-proof). I used this as a lesson to explain to the monkey, that you should always look at a problem from ALL SIDES. LOL...
   The Wednesday after camping, I took the written portion of the C-PACE (California Preliminary Administrative Credential Examination). The week after that, I interviewed for the principal (part-time, but of course I'd be there full time) position at the monkey's charter school. I find out if I passed the C-PACE Thursday evening, and anticipate hearing about the job by Friday. Send me all your positive energy & prayers for both!! :)