This is a nice generic (i.e. kids distant enough to not be id'd) photo from the Gorman Thanksgiving feast. This Monday, my class is celebrating the 100th day, and sadly (for me!), my last day as their teacher. Their permanent teacher will be there, & officially returns Tuesday.
We will be enjoying a great day of learning fun: they are going to decorate 100th day posters & glasses, rec'v 100th day certificates & pencils, make 100 fruit loop necklaces (all my gifts to them), rec'v 100th day bookmarks from the PTSO, as well as write about fun topics like how they'd look if they were 100 years old, take a 100 step walk, compare their 100 collections, etc. Then we will have a great pizza party!
I am so proud of the kids' progress! Eight of the 1st graders' reading levels were below where they should have begun the year. Two were aa's in guided reading (the lowest measurable level), and three couldn't even pass that. Now, two of those children are B's & ready to pass C level (where they should have begun), three are C's, three are E's! First grade demands the most reading progress; the children should go from a C to a J or higher. The other children are currently at E, G, H levels, & one very bright child (no credit due to me) is already a J.
I would estimate that of the now 13 first graders (one has left), that ten will be at a J or higher by June (of course the one is already there). Three may have a difficult time getting there, but you never know, now that they are reading. Guided reading is such a valuable method for teaching reading!
A great website (readinga-z) enabled me to implement a strong guided reading program in the class at an extremely reasonable price. I am a huge fan!!
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