This is our largest pumpkin; this photo was taken about a week or two ago; it is now almost completely orange.
Our latest harvest of spaghetti squash and tomatoes! I have the tomatoes in my oven drying, drizzled in olive oil and sprinkled with salt (so yum!).
The monkey had fun helping pick tomatoes.
Speaking of picking, the monkey and I barely made the cutoff for this year's Ryan Sun peaches at M&M peach ranch two weeks ago! Phew! Hope to get some Last Chance peaches next weekend...
In the culinary department, I have discovered the joys of basil lemonade. You make regular lemonade (heating the sugar in water to form a simple syrup is essential), but you blend some fresh basil leaves with some of the lemonade until it is pulverized into tiny spots of green. Mix with the rest of the lemonade, and you have a heavenly concoction!
I have been super busy with myriad tasks and commitments (MCCOC, my article/storytime/craft, etc). I am especially loving getting my class in order (kids AND room!), and getting the curriculum together. I am already so proud of the children, especially in their 'school' behavior. That is essential to have in order so that learning can proceed. We have begun centers, and this week I will send home my first homework (they were finishing the September work from my colleague).
I even got to go on a trail ride two weeks ago, and saw a bear on my commute home a week ago. Woo hoo! I just need to stop injuring myself (fell on our stairs yesterday and JAMMED two fingers; they look hideous...Will have more photos to share.