In the spring, the landscape changes rapidly in the mountains. The first two photos were taken on the mornings of April 15 & 16. One morning, we are covered in snow, the next morning, just patches. And the third shot is from this morning. I'll soon have to begin watering again, if I want the back lawn to grow in.
I'm super excited to have quite a few daffodils this year...
Hyacinths are waning, but the tulips are coming up. I have realized, I really need to plant a ton more tulip bulbs this fall. The daffodils seem to be the easiest, though, and spread on their own.
I am super-excited that my Sierra Beauty apple tree has quite a few buds; hoping we'll get our first crop of apples this year...
Two strawberry plants from last summer survived the winter, and are trying to make a comeback (the little leaves in bottom left corner). This is one...
The hub added more logs to border my newest planting bed. This growing season, I'm hoping to grow eggplant, strawberries, several types of squash, corn, pumpkins, red/yellow peppers, and of course, later in the season, tomatoes and basil. I'm chomping at the bit, but the earliest plants I can probably start will be asparagus (won't have a harvest until the second year), arugula and brussel sprouts. I also can't wait to use my first batch of homemade compost!
I am crazy-busy, having committed to putting on Family Math with PMLC & FP schools, coordinating a community brainstorming meeting, planning cub scout Pinewood Derby, community cleanup, and being in charge of Lilac Festival booth. This is on top of trying to get some STAR Ed services here, serving on chamber of commerce board, hoa board, PMLC SAC, planning & running weekly cub scout meetings, attending school board meetings (thank God I'm not on that board), writing my monthly column & creating/hosting the monthly craft/storytime, and working as a realtor/being in the middle of an escrow. I'm sure I left something out. I guess it's good I haven't had any sub jobs