Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Farm Fresh Tonight!

  I was wondering what in the world the monkey and I were going to have for a veggie tonight, when I checked our corn patch. Hello, lovely ears of corn! It was quite delicious, and we ate it all up (sorry, daddy-man!).

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Decadent Chocolate Bundt Cake & Fab Art!

   This photo does NOT do this cake justice! In real life, it is much darker, without the red cast. In the spring, I resurrected my mother's 'Harvey Wallbanger' cake recipe (no idea who gave it to her), which is quite tasty. So, I used it to inspire this chocolate cake, which has a nutella glaze. I'm thinking of entering it in the Albertson's cake mix tricks contest in the Kern County Fair. Since this is made with a box cake mix, that you add other ingredients to, it is perfect for the contest.
   Speaking of taking someone else's idea & running with it, look at the fantastic art projects my kinders and 1st graders created yesterday. They followed the simple steps of an art lesson I purchased on Teachers Pay Teachers, and voila!! They learned about Paul Cezanne, viewed some of his still lifes, then made their own apple still lifes (sans the ever-present wine bottle in Cezanne paintings). I am amazed!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Kandinsky Circles & Other Updates

   I'm not quite ready to post the 'after' photos of my class, but it is definitely looking much better than my last post, so look out for new photos to come! On Friday, my class learned about Wassily Kandinsky (abstract art pioneer), then made their own 'concentric circle' works of art, while listening to great music (Seu Jorge from the 'Steve Zissou' soundtrack). They need to finish on Monday, but I was so impressed with what they produced! Note the desks on the right: they were so ugly with permanent stains, we covered them with contact paper...pretty nice fix, eh?
   My chickens love their new birdhouse feeder. I love it, because they haven't figured out how to knock it down, yet, plus it's so cute! We found it at the Fall Festival, in PMC.
   Speaking of the Festival, my two guys helped Lola 4 Pets win the Best Animal category in the parade! Handsome Henry did such a great job, too! I helped paint faces in the Peak to Peak booth...